Labels:text | screenshot | rectangle OCR: With Jerusalem, you will discover the sacred city and its historic sites and monu- ments. Visit this modern capital with its markets and bustling streets rich with artistic and cultural treasures from the past and present. From the Main Menu. you can choose one of four guided itineraries: History Video clips and 250 photos illustrate ancient battles and recent historical events, from the Crusades to the Yom Kippur War. Religions Examine the three main religions of the Holy City of Jerusalem : Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Personalities More than 30 portraits of the influential figures who formed Jerusalem, from Ben Gourion to Ehud Olmert. Modern Life An interactive map of the city allows you to discover over 100 historic sites - streets, museums, hotels and restaurants. At the end of the tour, test your know- ledge against the challenging Trimillennia Trivia Game. ISBN 1-57535-053-X JERUSALEM, A UNIQUE VOYAGE IN THE HOLY CITY. 0 1997 Glyph Multimedia 3 505373 201377